The citizenship test is a crucial step in the Canadian citizenship application process. This test can only be taken once per application. Once the form and the supporting documents are sent to the CIC (Citizenship and Immigration Canada office) the applicant needs to expect to be call to sit for the test in 5 to 6 months.

Having this said is of the most importance to be fully prepared to face the test when the calling comes. If failed the candidate will be invited to an interview with the citizenship judge. From 2009 records the 20% of applications that got to interview where rejected, another reason to be thinking more deeply in the citizenship test.

So what is the best way to beat the Canadian Citizenship Test?

The test is based on the "Discover Canada" guide. The guide will get to your home address once the application starts to process. That isn't necessarily the date you can start studying for the test. The Guide can be downloaded from the CIC web page. Is highly recommendable to start familiarizing with the content as soon as possible. More if you don't have any Canadian backgrounds. Is important to give the guide a good read. The guide has a few questions for the reader to answer such as who is the MP of the area or the governor general. This will become important closer to the test so don't be lazy and look for the answers.
After a few readings make your own notes. Why is this important? When the knowledge is put into written words the student fixes it in the brain. Writing the subject of study is one of the stronger tools for memorization. The guide is filled with specific details that need to be memorized for the test.
Once the guide content is properly studied and your notes are ready you need to start doing practice. The test is multiple choice based so the answer for the questions will be embedded in among the possible options this can be confusing if the applicant is not prepared for a test of this characteristics. Multiple choice test are easily beaten by practicing. Get as many sample questions as you can and start doing mock tests. The most sample questions you perform the best chances of getting those same questions in the test you get. Also you ensure you are reviewing the testable content while practicing.
Breathe questions. Ask your friends, coworkers, test everyone. See how much they know about their citizenship. Their rights, the Canadian symbols, their region. Make them ask you things. Make all that knowledge move around your brain and group members. Same concept as making your own notes, this practice fixes the knowledge in your mind and enhanced its access.
The day before the test is also very important. Make sure you have enough sleep hours. There is no point in studying last minute, the chances you will absorb any of the last minute knowledge is very dim. Have a strong breakfast next morning, try to eat fruits and lots of fiber. Stay away of white bread and such. The fiber will last longer in your system and provide you with the energy to concentrate and access all the knowledge you achieved during your study. A lame cup of coffee won't collaborate to your test. The energy from a coffee and white bread last a shot period since both are easily metabolized.
Among the thing you need to know about the test itself one key element are the regional questions. Remember we spoke that you need to complete the open questions in the study guide? Well this is the reason. Each test is tailored into regions. Is important for you to know the head of state of your province or territory. Another important tip for the citizenship test is that there are two mandatory questions. These questions are related to the electoral system, make sure you understand which are the responsibility for a citizens on regards of elections and civic participation in political events.

Hoping this helps you in your next step to become a Canadian. The test is not an impossible task but is an important one. Just pay attention and study. Good luck to you all!

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