One of the requirements for becoming a British citizen is passing the citizenship test. You're supposed study the book Life in the UK before sitting a 45 minute test on history, culture and politics. In the American test requirements we are told that the purpose of the 100 question Canadian citizenship test is to make certain that an applicant knows how the government operates and understands some general basics about the United States. After all as a citizen in these nations, you will have the right to hold public office, work in government jobs and even vote in elections.

Once you accept the value of these citizenship tests it does make you feel that you want to push for the citizenship test to be given to every American of voting age. Those who fail, get the boot.

The US citizenship test is just one part of the process that those who apply for US citizenship must undertake. There is also a rather significant amount of paperwork that must be filed in the application process. The authorities in charge of the Australian citizens test say that the training will be useful for candidates to Australian citizenship from all backgrounds, regardless of native language or nationality. It may also be used by Australians who wish to know what kind of knowledge is now required from newcomers; or by anyone who would like to learn more about Australia.

If you are one of many that has failed, do not be too hard on yourself. Thre are very many residents in all nations that would also fail these tests. If you feel you did not pass the test because of your level of English, you may like to consider attending combined English language (ESOL) and citizenship classes at your local further education college. You would do this instead of taking the test again, until your tutor thought you would now pass.

The Commission on Immigration Reform has recommended that the tests be standardized, and that the information contained within the questions be made more current and relevant. The Mexicans are in general anti the US immigration test. They see the US as putting up walls against there entry. The first wall is the physical structure being erected along 700 miles of Mexican border, to keep out illegal immigrants. The second wall, these groups contend, is a barrier to full participation by legal immigrants who have lived and worked in America for at least five years.

Some consider that certain immigrants not want to learn, but it may be that in many areas are they held back by the lack of availability of classes, at the right level, and reasonable cost. These immigrants are often fully occupied in meeting other demands, such as employment and family responsibilities, and fully stretched to do that already.

I think that it would be better off testing these aspiring citizens on the laws and regulations of our culture/society in order to prevent culture shock and to enhance the chances of these immigrants fitting in well with most other people as well as being allowed to keep their heritage as long as they are living within our laws. I think one of the great things about this country is how diverse the people that live here are. It's not something that an immigrant or illegal alien can ever take away from an American citizen.

Immigration advocates have expressed concern that the failure rate will increase in the next few years, as a direct result of new changes being implemented to the citizenship application process

If an application is successful, an immigrant needs to take the Canadian Citizenship test. Once the applicant passes the test, the next step is to undergo an interview.

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