A very good friend of mine whom I considered a smart guy failed the Canadian Citizenship Test. It was a disappointed blow to him as he waited so long to be a Canadian. He was so confident and thought it would be just a walk over only to realize he had to wait longer.

Why did he fail? Although he said he read the book "A look at Canada" many times, the simple answer is he did not prepare himself properly for the test. Granted it is not a difficult test but 20 questions out of approximately 130 questions can lead to disappointment especially if you do not know the answers to all the questions.

There are only 2 ways to which the Canadian Citizenship Test becomes a breeze and people of all levels have had tremendous successes with these methods. These are very simple and adaptive for all ages.

1. A Practice Test. This form of test captures all the questions and answers in a Multiple Choice format and it is printable and portable. One can study in a plane or a bus or at any time wasting event.

2. A Quiz Program. This is a software program that runs on a computer. It also captures all the questions and answers. It is very versatile, fully interactive and it provides you with immediate feedback if your answer is right or wrong.

Any of these two methods would definitely help you to pass. However, it is mandatory that you read "A look at Canada" to broaden your knowledge of Canada. With this knowledge and practicing with either of the above methods you will be on your way to becoming a Canadian as a combination of the two will simulate all the answers in your mind and this will lead to a pass.

Equally important Citizenship and Immigration Canada expects you to know the answers to all the questions because the test questions which is 20 of them are selected randomly so reading the book several times will not suffice as in the case of my friend.

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